Code of Conduct for Students
Code of Conduct for Students of Darul Uloom Hasaniya, Himatnagar
Managed By Darul Uloom Hasaniya Trust, Himatnagar
The Code of Conduct for students at Darul Uloom Hasaniya is designed to uphold discipline, respect, and the values of the institution, ensuring a conducive environment for academic, spiritual, and personal growth. Every student is expected to adhere strictly to these guidelines. Violations will result in appropriate disciplinary actions.
1. Attendance
- Regular Attendance: Students must attend all classes and events regularly. Minimum attendance of 80 % is mandatory.
- Late Arrival: Frequent lateness will result in disciplinary action.
- Absence: Any unauthorized absence must be justified with a valid reason./li>
2. Manners and Respect
- Respect for Teachers and Staff: Students must show the highest level of respect to all staff and faculty members.
- Peer Respect: All students must maintain a polite and respectful attitude towards their fellow students, fostering a harmonious environment.
3. Sexual Harassment
- Zero Tolerance: Any form of sexual harassment, verbal or physical, is strictly prohibited and will lead to severe disciplinary actions, including expulsion.
4. Ragging
- Strict Prohibition: Ragging, bullying, or any form of hazing is strictly forbidden. Any involvement in ragging will result in immediate suspension or expulsion.
5. Academic Performance
- Commitment to Excellence: Students are expected to maintain consistent academic performance and actively participate in class.
- Cheating: Any form of academic dishonesty, including cheating and plagiarism, will result in immediate consequences.
6. Damage to Property
- Care for Property: Students must not damage or misuse any furniture, fixtures, or property of the institution. Any damage will result in fines or further disciplinary action./li>
7. Misbehavior with Staff or Students
- Disciplinary Action for Misconduct: Any form of misbehavior, verbal abuse, or physical confrontation with staff or fellow students will result in severe consequences.
- Fighting and Violence: Any form of violence, including physical altercations, is strictly prohibited and will lead to immediate expulsion from the institution.
8. General Conduct
- Proper Dress Code: Students are expected to maintain a modest and professional appearance, in accordance with Islamic teachings.
- Drug/Alcohol Use: The use or possession of drugs or alcohol on the premises is strictly forbidden and will result in expulsion.
- Respect for Institution: Any behavior that tarnishes the reputation of the institution, including spreading false rumors or engaging in unlawful activities, will lead to severe disciplinary measures.
Disciplinary Steps for Violations
1. First Violation: Written warning and counseling.
2. Second Violation: Suspension for a specified period.
2. Third Violation: Expulsion from the institution.
The institution aims to foster an environment of respect, discipline, and spiritual growth. Students must abide by these rules to contribute to the development of themselves and the institution. Violations of this Code of Conduct will not be tolerated and will be dealt with strictly.